Industry Trend: Be A Part of the Mix and Match 6 Packs

When it comes to beer, people love variety. However, when beer lovers head to the nearest store to restock their fridge, they see boxes with only one type or flavor. This can lead to the same boring old 6 pack. And if they want to try something new, buying a full pack of a different beer would be a risky move.

So how can beer shoppers get a little variety without taking the risk? The answer lies with mix and match 6 packs.
In this post, we’ll talk more about these beer sampler packs, including how they benefit both the consumer and the brewery.

What Are Mix and Match 6 Packs?

Mix and match beer packs typically come with 6 different beers. The shopper can choose from a wide variety of beers until they have a full 6 pack. These packs are found in some gas stations and grocery stores. Also, stores carry empty cardboard beer holders for holding and checking out with the beer.

While some people love mix and match beer packs, others prefer getting the same beer they love. However, these packs are an awesome way to try new brews, especially craft options that just hit the market.

Keep reading to learn about the benefits of these beer sampler 6 packs.

Benefits for the Consumer

For consumers everywhere, these packs can provide tons of delicious variety. Rather than buying that same ole’ beer, shoppers can broaden their horizons and crack open something new.

Check out the following benefits of beer sample 6 packs for consumers:

Perfect for trying new beers

Drinking the same beer can get boring eventually. Even if drinkers love the taste, they may be looking for something different. However, forking up the money for an entirely new 6 pack is a risk. If they don’t enjoy the beer after one sip, they may have to throw it out. This is where a mix and match beer pack can help! These packs allow shoppers to choose 6 different beers, giving them the opportunity to try something new without buying a full pack. Also, this may lead to trying a new type of beer for the first time, such as a stout or IPA. When beer drinkers are looking for something new, a beer sample is the ideal solution!

Allows shoppers to discover new breweries

Discovering new breweries can be an exciting experience. However, without going to the actual brewery or trying a brew in a local restaurant, learning these breweries even exist can be challenging. This is another reason why mix and match beer packs are beneficial! By trying various beers from several different breweries, you can discover new tastes and try a brewery’s product for the first time.

Benefits for Breweries

While a beer shopper can reap many benefits from these 6 packs, there are also some advantages for the brewery or beverage owner. Take a look at these benefits below:

Increased sales

Breweries sometimes have a hard time selling their product. This is especially true with new beers they introduce to the market. If more and more stores offer the beer sampler 6 packs, this could increase sales. For one, consumers may discover a brewery for the first time and start purchasing their brews. Secondly, shoppers can try a new beer offered by a brewery, which increases exposure and possibly overall sales. If a brewery struggles to sell its product, mix and match beer packs can be just what the business needs to succeed!

Simple production process

Breweries and beverage companies are constantly packing cans, bottles, and a variety of boxes with several beers. When beer sampler 6 packs hit the shelves, this means a more straightforward production process. Rather than worrying about packing 6 packs, 12 packs, and 18 packs, breweries simply need to can or bottle the beer and send it off! While they will need to transport each individual beer, they never have to think about packing box after box again.

Factors to Consider

Before breweries start ramping up production for mix and match beer packs, there are a few factors to think about.

For both breweries and storefronts, here are some important factors to consider in the process:


If a brewery starts selling more of its product in loose cans, there will be some changes in the production and packaging process. For one, breweries won’t have to worry too much about packing boxes and 6 packs. There will be less of a focus on boxes and more of a focus on beer label design. Furthermore, while packing and shipping loose cans could pose some challenges, it could be well worth it in the end.


Breweries also need to consider how stores will handle the UPCs for their mix and match beer. If a brewery uses Packtech tops, then they can easily have UPCs that ring up correctly. However, this process may look different from one store to the next. Each brewery must find a workaround to ensure a seamless process for selling individual beers.

Final Thoughts

Mix and match beer 6 packs are a great way to boost sales and showcase the many tasty beers at a brewery. As a consumer, these packs allow drinkers to have a little variety. Given the long list of benefits, these beer sampler packs could soon be found in stores across America!

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